Madarasah Awards Ceremony
We are happy to report that our Mufti Dr Mohamed Fatris Bin Bakaram graced the above occasion at our mosque premises on 18 Feb 2012. Over 70 students received their awards from Mufti for their achievements in attaining Khatumul Quran, and for being good students in learning Quran. Over 120 parents turned up and we were very encouraged by the overwhelming response.
We will like to thank our donors and the Imams for their great work in sustaining Madarasah classes despite the fact that we do not have rooms. Insha Allah, we hope that we can build classrooms in a few years.
Please peruse the photos in the following link:
Janazah Course
We are happy that there are over 15 registered participants and we once again thank Allah for his blessing in enabling us to introduce new courses for the Jemaah.
Update on lessons in September- October 2011: The first lesson was an introduction and the importance of Muslims knowing what to do when a loved one passes away.In the second lesson Ustaz patiently introduced the washing procedure and used a mannequin to do so. He also shared with us on what we must do to a body as a result of mutilation due to crash, drowning ,burning and highly contagious disease.
In the third and fourth lessons Ustaz explained clearly to the participants the procedures after washing leading to the burial and after burial. Ustaz with the help of a brother from a jenezaah services company also shared with participants the challenges involved in jenazah services.
As Malabar Mosque MMB members, we are encouraged by the strong support shown by the members of the Jemaah who paid $75 , with the mosque subsidizing the remaining $75 for this maiden course. An engaging Ustaz made the course very interesting. We will like to thank Uztaz Majeed and his friends for their commitment in conducting the course.
By the grace of God , after this maiden effort, the MMB is motivated to introduce the jenazah course to more youths and muslimahs. We also hope to reduce the cost of the course so as to make it more affordable-Insha Allah.